The Saya Expression Categorisation System Initiative (SECSIv2)!

What is it?

SECSI is an engine/tool that lets you generate Saya pictures according to your requirements. Try it out by going to Each time you refresh this page, you'll get a new Saya! Replace 'cuteSaya' with any other description in order to generate more specific Sayas, so long as SECSI understands the words you use. See the documentation below for what is available.

Who is Saya (/the character in the picture)?

I'm glad you asked! She is Saya Amanogawa, from the game A Sky Full of Stars. She is very adorable and I highly reccomend buying the game on Steam here in order to witness her cuteness firsthand.
I am not affiliated with MoeNovel, Pulltop or Steam etc. This is purely a non-profit fan project from someone who likes Saya. Go support the devs!

How do I generate Saya pictures?

Use the URL[query].png as a reference.[query].png will give you just the face for use as emoji.
The [query] is a 'sentence' consisting of words that describe the image you want, e.g. "hat wearing saya" will only produce Saya pictures in which she wears her cute floppy-eared hat.
While typing spaces in a URL may work in chrome, in many places (such as Discord) this won't work. This is why it's preferred to type the query in camel case, CapitalisingEveryFirstLetterLikeThis.
See the table below for all the available keywords.

What are some keywords I can use?

Here is a list. Note that while some keywords will make the query more specific (producing less random results), others will override defaults, generating images that otherwise wouldn't generate. Experiment!

Keywords (and variations) Explanation
embarassed, lewd, cute, flustered Mostly facial suggestions. None of these are enforced and instead clarify how the expression should look. Can/will be overidden by more specific words.
blushing/blushy, nonBlushing/nonBlushy Controls blush effect. Otherwise random (unless overidden by other facial expressions, e.g. lewd)
apronWearing/apron/cooking, noHat/nonHatWearing/notHatWearing/nonHatted/notHatted/unHatted/unhatted, hatted/hatWearing, coatWearing/coat, schoolGoing/schoolUniform/schoolUniformed/school, casuallyDressed/casual, dateGoing/formallyDressed All clothing options, all are enforced. Obviously not very useful in emoji mode (except maybe hat options)
motivational/motivating, worried, angry, pouting/pouty, nervous, annoyed, excited, relieved, concerned, tsun/tsundere Various specific emotions. Most of them enforced.
smiling/smiley, notSmiling/notSmiley, happy, sad/unHappy/unhappy 'Happiness'/mouth type, mostly suggestions
downLooking, avoiding/lookingAway/awayLooking Eye direction controls. Needs expansion...
judgemental/judging, fuzzEyed/fuzzyEyed, squinting/squinted/squintEyes/hauuFace, triangleMouth/triangle Some very specific, very recognisable expressions.
leftFacing, rightFacing, forwardFacing/leaning/forwardLeaning/forward Saya's facing direction. Enforced. Note some expressions are exclusive to a certain facing direction.
fullResolution/fullRes/maxResolution/maxRes, XLSize/extraLarge, mediumSize/medium, fullBody Controls the zoom level and detail. Internally there's only 4 types (small full body, full full body, medium and full res upper body [the default])
Saya, but, and, a These words are ignored. Use them to make your expressions more readable, but they are optional.
A few more But I'm too lazy to document them all!

This website sucks!

I can't be bothered to design a nice UI for this. If you want to contribute, get in contact I suppose.

Note that this app isn't exactly running on the most high end of hardware (or is that well optimised for high load). Things may break if too many people use it at once. We'll see what happens, but don't expect 100% uptime.